Saturday, July 5, 2008

this is one of my baby photo, and he like talking to who ever looking at the photo "WHAT ARE U LOOKING FOR?".......big big eye


searching thru friendster search yesterday....looking around coz no friend was online that time. due to i am also involving in a direct sales company, so i try typing in shuanghor at the company search...and what a suprise to me..........oh......there is quite many people who are in this business and they are also using friendster to connect to their friend.

after looking around at people profile, looking at some of their successful photo that they have taken during the rally, the trip to oversea....kind of giving me lots of inspiration to stay and fight fight fight for this business.

i know shuang hor product for more than 4 years already. taking the tea lu chun is a must everyday without failed. u must be wondering y tea lu chun....wat so special about this tea........let me share with u.....few years back, i m always facing soretrough problem, loosing voice continues for 2 weeks is a commong problem that i m facing at least 3 time a year. the magic is after drinking this tea, i dun suffer this problem anymore. great i can always talk talk n talk without worrying where will my voice go.......

yakooooooooooo.........what a nice day

Monday, April 14, 2008

对现代人而言,失去健康就等于失去战斗力,包括对生活的努力,对理想的坚持,以及对幸福人生的追求,简而言之, 健康即是现代人最珍贵的财富。双鹤集团精心研发的系列高品质天然保健食品,包括佳鹤灵芝、佳鹤双宝礼盒、佳鹤营养蛋白素、佳鹤高纤、如春灵芝茶、勇健极品灵芝 、勇健极品花粉、勇健极品双宝、佳鹤七叶胆茶和佳鹤调味品等,不仅为追求健康的现代人提供了更佳的养生保健选择, 更为许多家庭带来健康的希望和欢乐。

Monday, April 7, 2008

MLM-Multi Level Marketing

I came to know a product call GANODERMA thru a direct selling company. After going thru the details, i realise that this is a very good product that can help us to achieve a healty body.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

First Time

This is the first time I am using so call blog.

I am idiot in using computer so did not try until today.

Hoping my blog soon will be view by many people and I can do more sharing later.

Smile is the most important gesture..........................lets smile to ourself, our family members, our friends, our collegues or even people that are unknown..............